Week St. Mary Parish Council Contacts

Chair of Week St. Mary Parish Council
• Mrs Carol Slade

Tor View, Week St Mary, Holsworthy, Devon EX22 6UU

Tel: 01288 341350

Email: carolslade1@btinternet.com

Vice-Chair of Week St. Mary Parish Council
• Mr Ian Richardson

Responsibilities: Planning

Week St. Mary, Holsworthy, Devon 

Tel: 07379 29231

Email: ianr64@gmail.com

• Mr Stuart May

Stonyfold Farm, Whitstone, Holsworthy, Devon EX22 6LB

Tel: 01288 341092

Email: stonyfold@outlook.com

• Mrs Margaret Johns

Responsibilities: Playing Field

6 Ashbury Grove, Week St Mary, Holsworthy, Devon EX22 6XG

Mob: 07856 357424

Email: [none]

• Mr Sam Gubbin

Responsibilities: Playing Field

Week St. Mary, Holsworthy, Devon 


Email: gubb101@hotmail.com

Co-opted Councillor
• Ms Louise Stephens

Whiteleigh Cottage, Whitstone EX22 6LB

Tel: 01288 341082
Mobile: 07831 404604 

Email: loustephens@hotmail.co.uk

• Mr Trevor Hamlyn

Responsibilities: Highways, Street Lighting, Trees, Playing Field

Week St. Mary, Holsworthy, Devon 


Email: trevorhaml475@gmail.com

• Mr Stephen Peters

Responsibilities: Finance 

Box Tree House, Week St. Mary, Holsworthy, Devon EX22 6UZ

Tel: 01288 341578

Email: sapeters1@gmail.com

• Miss Rachel Shipton

Responsibilities: Schools 

Week St. Mary, Holsworthy, Devon EX22

Tel: 07792 258665

Email:  WeekGreenCottage@gmail.com

• Mr Richard Bolt

Responsibilities: Football Club

Week St. Mary, Holsworthy, Devon EX22 

Tel:  07813 949832

Email:  richardbolt@sky.com

• Mr Phil Dorren (Non-councillor)

Responsibilities: Footpaths & Back Lane (Public Rights of Way)

Week St. Mary, Holsworthy, Devon EX22 6UH

Tel: 01288 341117

Email: [none]

• Mrs Jane Pearce (Non-councillor)

Responsibilities: In charge of the Parish Defibrillator

Week St. Mary, Holsworthy, Devon EX22 

Tel:  07776 325807

Email: [none]

Parish Clerk

• Suzanne Cleave

Parish Office, Week St. Mary, Holsworthy, EX22 6UL

Tel: 07853 298595

Email: wsmclerk@gmail.com

County Councillor
• Mrs Nicky Chopak

The Post House, Tresmeer, Launceston, Cornwall PL15 8QU

Mob: 07810 302061

Email: nickychopak@gmail.com

Member of Parliament
• Mr Ben Maguire

Constituency Office:
Ben Maguire MP, House of Commons, Westminster, London  SW1A 0AA

North Cornwall Liberal Democrats, 4 Tower St., Launceston, Cornwall PL15 8BQ

Tel:   (01566) 772734

Email:  hello@northcornwalllibdems.org.uk

Website: https://benmaguire.org.uk/

Click on the link to view all the past Councillors since 1894

Past Councillors

© All of the content of the Week St. Mary website is the copyright of David Martin & Linda Cobbledick except where stated 2006-2019