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More important news below....

Please support our beloved Grade 1 listed St. Mary's Church roof fund!

Some may say a landmark for the area as it can be seen for many miles and I am sure many of you look for the tower in the distance driving back towards the Village. We are only custodians of this Grade 1 Listed building during our lifetime and responsible for its upkeep. During last year’s Quinquennial Report (every five years) by a surveyor on the structure and condition of the building it was highlighted that the ENTIRE CHURCH ROOF will need REPLACING within 5 to 8 years. 

This is obviously a VERY costly job to undertake and quite daunting for the PCC to find the money. In order to comply with our Church Insurance, we have to show that preparations are under way to finance the repairs.  The PCC decided at their meeting in September to kick start the ROOF FUND and have set up a RESTRICTED FUND namely for the ROOF with £10,000 which we had from a legacy. 

We will be looking at our options regarding grant funding and hopefully donations to pay for this very big and expensive job which will run into many hundreds of thousands of £s. 

Every £1 counts and if anyone has any ideas to help us on this mammoth project, we would be delighted to hear from you as we will have to do some match funding at the very least. 

Any suggestions or enquiries please contact:  Linda Cobbledick (Churchwarden & PCC Secretary) lincob@gmail.com

50º 45'03.84N  4º 30'01.39W      OS: SX 237977      Elevation: 142m

© All of the content of the Week St. Mary website is the copyright of David Martin & Linda Cobbledick except where stated