Regular Week St. Mary Church & Chapel Services

St. Mary's Church Calendar of Events

For more details, where available, please see the Calendar on the Village Home Page

Sunday 14th July 2024Cream Tea in the Garden at Glanville House
Saturday 10th August 2024Safari Supper - See the Magazine for details
Saturday 21st September 2024REVEL Celebrations
Monday 23rd September 2024Harvest Supper in the Church
Sunday 29th September 2024Nankersey Male Voice Choir in the Church
Thursday 12th December 2024Johnny Cowling Carols/Christmas Concert
Tuesday 24th December 2024Annual Crib Service

50º 45'03.84N  4º 30'01.39W      OS: SX 237977      Elevation: 142m

© All of the content of the Week St. Mary website is the copyright of David Martin & Linda Cobbledick except where stated