Contacts for St. Mary's Church

For local enquirires relating to Week St. Mary Parish Church, please contact the Churchwardens:

  • Mrs Lesley Booker - Tel: 01288 341221
  • Mrs Linda Cobbledick - Tel: 01288 341468

  • The Friends of Week St Mary Church and Churchyard: The Treasurer - Sue Dyer WSM 341083 

  • Adventure Church: Sue Booker WSM 341579 or Lesley Booker WSM 341221
  • Pastoral Care Matters, visiting, support: The Pastoral Care Team Leader - Joy Farran WSM 341437
  • Meet and Eat – now in Parish Hall: Linda Cobbledick WSM 341468
  • Lay led church services: The Worship Leaders Team - Lesley Booker WSM 341221
  • CAMEO: See magazine for monthly venue
  • Open The Book: Co-ordinator - Lesley Booker WSM 341221
  • The Benefice Room: United Benefice Sec. - Lesley Booker WSM 341221 
All requests from the benefice to book the Rectory Room for meetings should be sent to the Benefice email address which is This address may also be used by Benefice members to share or request information.

50º 45'03.84N  4º 30'01.39W      OS: SX 237977      Elevation: 142m

© All of the content of the Week St. Mary website is the copyright of David Martin & Linda Cobbledick except where stated