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Village Journal 2020 - 2024

Wednesday 26th June 2024

It is with deep regret we learn of the passing of Ann Johnson, of Reeve House Barn. Our sympathies are extended to the family.

Saturday 23rd March 2024

• Another sold-out event in the parish church with The Countrymen. Thank you to everyone who helped on the night and special thanks must go to the sponsorship of Tintagel Brewery and Polmorla Pasties.

Monday 18th March 2024
• It is with deep regret we learn of the passing of Joyce Orchard. Our sympathies are extended to the family.

Friday 19th January 2024

It is with deep regret we announce the sudden passing of Rev David Barnes. Our sympathies are extended to the family.

Monday 1st January 2024


Sunday 24th December 2023

Despite the weather a good attendance, as usual, filled the church for the traditional Crib Service. For the first time in several years, baby 'Jesus' was wide awake and watching everybody play their part in the Nativity story.

Wednesday 15th November 2023

It is with deep regret we learn of the passing of Margaret Ashleigh. Our sympathies are extended to the family.

Friday 27th October 2023

It is with deep regret we learn of the passing of Samuel 'Peter' Gubbin. Our sympathies are extended to the family.

Saturday 7th October 2023

It is with deep regret we learn of the passing of Euphine Bromell. Our sympathies are extended to the family.

October 2023

Congratulations are due to Val & Trevor Hamlyn who celebrate their Golden Wedding Anniversary on 20th, also Happy Birthdays to my sister, Linda who celebrates her 70th birthday on 25th, and my wife Jean who celebrates her 74th birthday on 27th and finally, to me, David on reaching my 75th birthday on 29th.

Saturday 16th September 2023

The annual Revel celebrations culminated in the crowning of the new Revel Queen, in the church, after a week of various events. Although a few drops of rain fell now and then, in the main it was a reasonable day. A marquee in the playing field enabled a gathering of stalls and refreshments along with a busy flow of people. Outside, the well-supported Dog Show achieved a large number of dogs enrolled in the various classes. In the evening a large crowd attended for the free musical evening along with a bar and outdoor BBQ.

Thursday 27th July 2023

It is with deep regret we learn of the passing of Rita Colwill. Walter said they had been married for 71 years. Our sympathies are extended to the family.

Friday 16th June 2023

It is with deep regret we learn of the passing of Sandy Not. Our sympathies are extended to the family.

Thursday 2nd February 2023

It is with deep regret we learn of the passing of John Retallick from Trefrouse. Our sympathies are extended to the family.

Saturday 24th December 2022

The church was filled to enjoy the Nativity story starring many of the local children of all ages. Another evening enjoyed by all.

Thursday 22nd December 2022

It is with deep regret we learn of the passing of Ron Harris. Our sympathies are extended to the family.

Friday 4th October 2022

It is with deep regret we learn of the passing of Audrey Tarrant. Our sympathies are extended to the family. Audrey Tarrant arrived in Week St Mary on June 16th 1940 as an evacuee. Our grandfather brought a school party here and they fondly called our grandad Pop Martin. She got on the train at Croydon with her two brothers but on arriving in Bude railway station Peter got on the wrong bus and ended up at Whitstone, her brother Colin ended up with Nath & Winnie Cole’s here in the village.

Audrey gave me (David Martin) her memories of the evacuation to Week St Mary for David’s book. Her memories state, “my memories of life in the village will stay with me for the rest of my life and in spite of the war I look back at my time spent in Week St Mary as some of the happiest days of my life.” Well, she certainly never forgot her time here and has regularly returned to the village to visit. She has been here twice recently for both of the funerals of David & Shelia Coles.

Her daughter Gill supported her on the trips, it has been a regular holiday for them staying locally. How wonderful that Week St Mary cast such a spell on you Audrey and you returned so many times over the past 82 years……. Thank you for all your visits; now rest peacefully.

Saturday 22nd October 2022

The Countrymen entertained an enthusiastic audience in Week St Mary Church, renowned for it's acoustic qualities. Food and drink followed.

Saturday 8th October 2022

It is with deep regret we learn of the passing of Pamela Goffart. Our sympathies are extended to the family.

Tuesday 27th September 2022

It is with deep regret we learn of the passing of Mike Tremlett. Our sympathies are extended to the family.

Saturday 24th September 2022

Despite being a week later the weather was still kind to the village for our annual Revel celebration. This year the event took place on the playing field, other than the procession to the church for the official crowning of the new Harvest Queen, then returning for the rest of the afternoon. There were the usual stalls along with support from some vendors and a well-supported dog show.

Thursday 8th September 2022

It is with deep regret we learn of the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, aged 96 years, at Balmoral Castle. Our sympathies are extended to all the royal family.

As our Revel celebration would normally have been on 17th September, falling during the period of mourning for the country, it has been moved to Saturday 24th September.

Jubilee Celebrations June 2nd - 5th 2022

The village joined the nation and celebrated Her Majesty's Platinum Anniversary with the Church, Chapel and Parish Hall providing various functions which were all attended well. The village's organisation's flower display, held in the church, was well received and enjoyed by many as were the cream teas!

Sunday 15th May 2022

It is with deep regret we learn of the passing of David Coles. Our sympathies are extended to the family.

Friday 22nd April 2022

It is with deep regret we learn of the passing of (Faith) Gloria Dinnis. Our sympathies are extended to the family.

Sunday 23rd January 2022

It is with deep regret we learn of the passing of Ron Jewell. Our sympathies are extended to the family.

Friday 3rd December 2021

It is with deep regret we learn of the passing of Sheila Coles, formerly of Week St. Mary. Our sympathies are extended to the family.

Saturday 20th November 2021

A Christmas Fair, in The Square, saw over 20 gazebos full of gifts along with hot drinks and a BBQ. A good crowd, estimated at over 200 people, attended the event despite a slight dampness in the air. 

Tuesday 16th November 2021

It is with deep regret we learn of the sudden passing of John Allen. Our sympathies are extended to the family.

Sunday 14th November 2021

Over 80 parishioners gathered in The Square for the annual laying of the wreaths at the war memorial. 

Tuesday 26th October 2021

Jago Wickett, Age 11 from Week St Mary, has been presented with the Medal of Honour at the Palace of Westminster, from BCyA Patron, Dr Alex George at an event hosted by Anthea Turner. Well done Jago!

Friday 10th October 2021

The Countrymen singing group again entertained an enthusiastic audience in Week St Mary Church, renowned for it's acoustic qualities. Food and drink followed.

Sunday 19th September 2021

The Dedication of St Mary's Church took place in front of a good number of parishioners, where the 'All Age' service at which the Venerable Kelly Betteridge, the recently appointed Archdeacon of Bodmin was the guest speaker. The congregation enjoyed her ‘Revels’ and ‘Celebrations’ along with Party poppers and balloons. The service was followed by tea and cake or a glass of wine.

Saturday 18th September 2021

Despite the weather letting us down for the first time in several years, the crowning of the Revel Queen took place in The Square before the appreciative crowd followed the procession to the Parish Hall. Because of the constant drizzle the stalls were under gazebos, loaned by several villagers.

Saturday 24th July 2021

Good weather for our Church Open Day saw a steady flow of visitors keeping the helpers quite busy, with several organised trips up the bell tower and a constant supply of refreshments to all, helping to raise much needed funds for the Church, Roof Fund and the Churchyard Fund.

Wednesday 30th June 2021

It is with deep regret we learn of the passing of Ann Harry. Our sympathies are extended to the family.

Sunday 27th June 2021

It is with deep regret we learn of the passing of Elizabeth Retallick of Trefrouse Farm. Our sympathies are extended to the family.

June 11th 2021

Today saw young Jago Wickett complete his 500km charity cycle ride raising over £5,000 for the Mermaid Centre, Cornwall breast cancer unit. 

April 21st 2021

This morning a small group of volunteers installed three concrete planters at the main roads into the village. Purchased by Steve Cluney for the Parish Council but filled with soil and plants at his own cost by Trevor Hamlyn and assisted by Richard Bennett the planters were put in place and will be maintained by volunteers.

April 13th 2021

It is with deep regret we learnt of the passing of 'Jo' Shipton of Sladdicott, one of our church wardens for many years. Our sympathies are extended to the family.

March 12th 2021

From this day on we are now allowed to visit a wide range of shops that have been closed to the public for most of this quarter. It is not a free-for-all and we must still observe general guidelines regarding the wearing of masks and maintaining a 2m distance. Regular washing of hands and/or applying sanitiser is still required. Remember, we must stay safe! 

January - March 2021

During this first quarter of 2021 we will see the majority of us being invited for the Coronavirus jab! We must still exercise caution for some weeks or months to protect us from a sudden outburst of infections, especially when our beautiful county is inundated with visitors from all over the UK. Stay safe!

Monday 16th November 2020

It is with deep regret we learnt of the passing of Robert 'Bob' Johns during the night. Our sympathies are extended to the family. 

Sunday 8th November 2020

A small group gathered for the laying of the village wreaths at the war memorial.

Thursday 30th July 2020

• It is with deep regret we learn of the passing of 'Den' Coates. Our sympathies are extended to the family.

Sunday 7th June 2020

It has been announced by the PCC that Week St. Mary Revel Celebrations have been cancelled for this year.

Thursday 4th June 2020

Congratulations to Ron & Norah Jewell on the celebration of their 60th (Diamond) Wedding Anniversary.

Wednesday 26th February 2020

It is with deep regret we learn of the passing of Mike Farran. Our sympathies are extended to the family.

Sunday 8th March 2020

• LINDA COBBLEDICK will be awarded the Cross of St. Piran by the Bishop of Truro at a ceremony to be held in Perranzabuloe Church on Sunday 8th March at 3:30pm

Linda Cobbledick is a strong supporter of Week St Mary Church and Stratton Deanery. Having lived in the village all her life, Linda has been an enormous asset to the church and its efforts to reach out to the local community. Her local knowledge and enthusiastic welcoming plus her support for the church’s activities both inside and outside the church building have helped us to welcome newcomers and place the church at the centre of village life. Linda has a great interest in enabling large fund raising efforts, which appeal to all sectors of the community and raising the profile of the church and its relevance today.

Linda has been a Local Pastoral team member for many years and is now a Local Worship Leader, which helps to enhance the worship opportunities in her own and other local churches. She is a loyal and reliable supporter, willing to join with others wherever a need arises.

January 2020

Thank you to everyone who continues to work for the  Church Roof Fund. In January we have had coffee mornings at Clifton, Tudor House and Church View and a very successful Afternoon Tea with Alan and Euphine Bromell plus generous donations from local residents for which we are very grateful. Thank you again, Churchwardens.

50º 45'03.84N  4º 30'01.39W      OS: SX 237977      Elevation: 142m

© All of the content of the Week St. Mary website is the copyright of David Martin & Linda Cobbledick except where stated